REBLS workshop short paper
Where Do Events Come From? — Reactive and Energy-Efficient Programming From The Ground Up
interrupt service routines, drivers, automatic standby
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SBGames conference paper
Structured Synchronous Reactive Programming for Game Development — Case Study: On Rewriting Pingus from C++ to Céu
structured reactive programming, programming patterns in Games
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PhD. Thesis - Matthias Terber
Real-World Deployment and Evaluation of Synchronous Programming in Reactive Embedded Systems
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PhD. Thesis - Rodrigo Costa Mesquita Santos
A GALS Approach for Programming Distributed Interactive Multimedia Applications
Céu, multimedia, multi-device, determinism, consistency
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LCTES conference paper
A Memory-Bounded, Deterministic and Terminating Semantics for the Synchronous Programming Language Céu
formal semantics of Céu, proofs for termination, determinism, and memory boundedness
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LCTES conference short paper
Transparent Standby for Low-Power, Resource-Constrained Embedded Systems: A Programming Language-Based Approach
interrupt service routines in Céu, power management, automatic standby
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Final Graduation Project - Guilherme Simas
Aplicação em Sistemas Distribuídos utilizando biblioteca e driver próprios, baseados em interrupções desenvolvido em Céu para o microcontrolador Arduino
céu, distributed systems, eficiency, embedded systems
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TECS journal paper
The Design and Implementation of the Synchronous Language Céu
design and implementation of Céu, contrasting and comparing with Esterel
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WebMedia conference paper
Céu-Media: Local Inter-Media Synchronization Using Céu
developing multimedia applications in Céu
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TOSN journal paper
Terra: Flexibility and Safety in Wireless Sensor Networks
tiny Céu virtual machine for dynamic reprogramming in constrained devices
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REBLS workshop paper
Reactive Traversal of Recursive Data Types
tagged unions, the traverse
construct, a logo turtle interpreter
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Modularity conference paper
Structured Synchronous Reactive Programming with Céu
main paper about the “dynamic Céu”: organisms, pointers and references
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REBLS workshop paper
Structured Reactive Programming with Céu
supressed by Modularity’15 above
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SenSys conference paper
Safe Concurrent Abstractions for Wireless Sensor Networks
main paper about the “static Céu”: design, evaluation
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REM workshop paper
Advanced Control Reactivity for Embedded Systems
control mechanisms on top of Céu: exception handling, dataflow programming, the par/hor
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PhD. Thesis
Safe System-level Concurrency on Resource-Constrained Nodes with Céu
complete description of the “static Céu”: design, evaluation, semantics, implementation
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PUC-Rio technical report
Céu: Embedded, Safe, and Reactive Programming
supressed by the PhD. Thesis above (except for the sections on asynchronous execution and simulation )
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SenSys (Doctoral Colloquium) paper
Céu: A Reactive Language for Wireless Sensor Networks
first exposure of Céu, old expression-based syntax
[ pdf | site ]